Social Media Support

I am the co-facilitator of the Positive Birth Movement Group in Crewe.

As well as my own Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you can also find me on Social media in the following places:

I am a member and moderator of the Facebook group Nantwich & Crewe Covid 19 New & Expectant Mums support group.

It’s a good sized group with a good mix of profressionals and New/Expectant Mums – as time moves on, people are starting to post their positive birth stories and feedback about maternity care providers which is uplifting to read.

I am a member and contributor of the Facebook group – New Life & Me by Motherwell Cheshire – a similar focus to the group above but longer term and run by Motherwell Cheshire – a Crewe based charity supporting women of all ages with a particular focus on supporting good mental health.

I am a co-facilitator of the Crewe Positive Birth Movement – which, while in person meets are restricted, is being held on Zoom, on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 1200.

For log in details for the events like our Facebook page here and/or sign up to the Crewe PBM mailing list here.

You can find more information about Positive Birth Movement Groups here