I am the co-facilitator of the Positive Birth Movement Group in Crewe.
The Positive Birth Movement is a global network of antenatal discussion groups. PBM groups listed on this site are all FREE to access, and POSITIVE about birth.
They are a place for ALL pregnant women – regardless of their background, experience or choices – to come together and share experiences, thoughts, feelings and insight about childbirth. There is often also tea and cake!
Unlike traditional ‘antenatal classes’, in Positive Birth Movement groups, women listen to each other, rather than to a teacher. There is usually a ‘theme’ for discussion – have a look at our 2018 themes further down the page. Groups usually start with some introductions from the Facilitator, but after that, it’s over to the group to talk and share and learn from each other.
Some PBM groups are run by birth professionals such as Doula’s, Midwives, or Childbirth teachers. Others are facilitated by women who are simply passionate about birth as a positive experience.
Positive Birth Movement groups aim to be a helpful part of your pregnancy; a warm and welcoming place to hear stories and ideas, to consider what you really want from your childbirth experience, and to challenge any fears or negative expectations you might have. They are also a place to build a network of friendship and support in your local area which we hope continues long after the birth of your baby.
Positive Birth Movement groups aim to complement your existing ante-natal input and they do not seek to replace medical advice. Before taking any action based on information you have received in a PBM group, please speak to your Health Care Professional.
You can find more information about Positive Birth Movement Groups here https://www.positivebirthmovement.org/– and search for your nearest group, if you are not able to get to our Crewe meeting.
What is the Positive Birth Movement?
The Positive Birth Movement is a global network of pregnancy and birth support groups, linked up by social media.
It serves in connecting pregnant women together to share stories, expertise and positivity about childbirth.
up, link up and shake up birth!
The movement has around 200 groups in the U.K, and over 100 in the rest of the world! It has groups in 30 different countries!
It is truly a worldwide organisation connecting Mum’s and allowing them to share their Birth Experiences.